Monday, October 29, 2007

omar dikerjain naif

(oom bikin conference sore ini, abisnya liat temen temen pada online tapi diem dieman semua, ini cuplikannya, lucu deh, hihihihihihihi......)

oom iwan.....: assalamu alaykum
ali_gathmyr..: Wa'alaikum slm...
sadiya85_calm: wa'alaykumsalaam
smity_egypt.. has joined the conference.
smity_egypt..: haluw
smity_egypt..: wahh mana td harem hallynya
sadiya85_calm: dah maghrib nee
sadiya85_calm: out dulu ya all
sadiya85_calm: salaam
naive_spain.. has joined the conference.
oom iwan.....: wassalam
smity_egypt..: salam too
smity_egypt..: wassalam
sadiya85_calm has left the conference.
smity_egypt..: naive spain
smity_egypt..: btw lg di spain ?
naive_spain..: yes i am?
smity_egypt..: :)
naive_spain..: who are your?
naive_spain..: *you
smity_egypt..: im omar
smity_egypt..: :)
naive_spain..: what? speak english please
naive_spain..: i dont understand your language
oom iwan.....: mulai dah
naive_spain..: hi omar
smity_egypt..: it's ok
smity_egypt..: knapa oom?
oom iwan.....: ktoprak ptamburan
naive_spain..: who's inviting me over here?
smity_egypt..: i dont know
oom iwan.....: maybe drogba
oom iwan.....: or rooney
smity_egypt..: maybe raul gonzales
smity_egypt..: hey naive..
smity_egypt..: so,where are u now?
naive_spain..: OMG!
smity_egypt..: really at spain?
smity_egypt..: what OMG??
naive_spain..: i am at liverpool now
smity_egypt..: ohh
oom iwan.....: seri ya ip?
oom iwan.....: payah nih
naive_spain..: OMG refer to Oh My God
smity_egypt..: i think yesterday playfootball between liverpool and arsenal..u know??
oom iwan.....: know? banget
naive_spain..: yeah. i saw them at anfield
smity_egypt..: u see?
oom iwan.....: iyalah
naive_spain..: its a pitty scoreline, draw 1-1. lfc should won it yesterday
oom iwan.....: kan live at lativi ya ip ya?
smity_egypt..: so why liverpool?
smity_egypt..: before liverpool score 1-0
naive_spain..: but, its ok. they've been played better than 3 or 4 games before yesterday
naive_spain..: what do you mean?
ali_gathmyr..: Pamit dulu yaaaaaaaaaa
oom iwan.....: ok mi
ali_gathmyr..: Wassalam...
oom iwan.....: wassalam
smity_egypt..: yahh--gue ngomng jg ngak pahan nie
smity_egypt..: nothing..
ali_gathmyr.. has left the conference.
smity_egypt..: old u?
naive_spain..: i'm 37
smity_egypt..: ohh
smity_egypt..: on married?
rizkysiregar. has joined the conference.
naive_spain..: now. i've been divorced for 3 years with 3 childrens
oom iwan.....: yang bener ip?
smity_egypt..: why?
rizkysiregar.: sambil kerja nggak pp ya
naive_spain..: my ex-wife left me with another fucking guy
smity_egypt..: im so sad now
rizkysiregar.: lg banyak kerjaan nih
oom iwan.....: oOW kamu ketauan
naive_spain..: no worries my friend. thx for your condolence
oom iwan.....: pacaran lagi
smity_egypt..: so ur children with whom?
oom iwan.....: sama fucking guy
smity_egypt..: with mother or father now??
naive_spain..: with me
smity_egypt..: good
oom iwan.....: :D
naive_spain..: sometimes it is really hard becoming a single parent. but i must face it for the sake of my childrens
smity_egypt..: so,u now work??
naive_spain..: yes. i work as a CEO of small IT company at liverpool
naive_spain..: what about your self, tell me more about you
smity_egypt..: oh
smity_egypt..: im student at al-azhar egypt
smity_egypt..: u know??
oom iwan.....: alazhar bukannya deket blok m?
oom iwan.....: =))
naive_spain..: wow. thats great. i wonder someday i'll visit egypt
smity_egypt..: oom bawel deh
oom iwan.....: kan cheer leader
smity_egypt..: yes, me if ur come to egypt
oom iwan.....: ip 2010 piala dunia di mesir ya ip
smity_egypt..: im guide you..:0
naive_spain..: hey i'm not gay!. i'm looking for woman not man! lol
oom iwan.....: hayoh lu
naive_spain..: are you gay?
oom iwan.....: iyahin aja mar
smity_egypt..: hahahhah
oom iwan.....: he eh gitu
smity_egypt..: anjrit..aku kira jg dia cewek
naive_spain..: LoL
smity_egypt..: not im still like female
oom iwan.....: yeeeeee
smity_egypt..: im fucking gay!!
oom iwan.....: like female apa look like female nih?
naive_spain..: WHAT???
naive_spain..: so you are gay. mmmh
oom iwan.....: seru nih
oom iwan.....: tapi mo megrib dulu ye
oom iwan.....: trusin aja
naive_spain..: udah ah
naive_spain..: magrib
smity_egypt..: i means im really man...not gay!
naive_spain..: gue juga laper
naive_spain..: brb
oom iwan.....: megrib ko laper
smity_egypt..: anjrit
naive_spain..: sukron mar udah bantuin gue ngelancarin inggeris
oom iwan.....: =))
smity_egypt..: naive penipu
smity_egypt..: anjrittttttttttttttttttttttt


Anonymous said...


Si Naive jadi nginetin temen waktu kuliah dulu. Tiap kita dateng ke apartment nya, dia pasti lagi online di telepon ngomong Inggris cas, cis, cus panjang banget, dan segala macem diomongin. Pas dateng di waktu yang lain, ini temen selalu lagi online di telepon ngomong Inggris cas, cis, cus dan dengan subject yang selalu beda-beda tapi selalu lama neleponnya.
Kita penasaran, ini temen bayar telepon nya berapa tiap abis bulan, kerjaannya nelepon mulu dan lama banget... bahasa Inggris pula lagi.... Pas akhir bulan kita janjian untuk dateng ke rumah temen ini buat ngintip-ngintip tagihan teleponnya.... Pas kita intip, ternyata tagihan teleponnya dikit banget.... Wah tambah penasaran aja kita nih.
Koq bisa ini temen ngobrol Inggris di telepon berjam-jam cas, cis, cus, tapi tagihan teleponnya rendah banget.... dari pada penasaran terus, ya udah, kita tanyain aja langsung ke orangnya biar cepet dapet jawaban pasti daripada nebak-nebak.

Jadi, loe telepon berjam-jam pake bahasa Inggris ngobrol sampe beratus-ratus subject tapi tagihan telepon loe murah, telepon siapa...?
Ini temen bilang, gue teleponin semua perusahaan di Yellow Pages yang punya nomor bebas pulsa. Gue pura-pura jadi pembeli.... Eh, dia layanin gue ngobrol.....
Koq loe bisa tau bakal dilayanin ngobrol...?
Justru gara-gara gue denger di kelas Marketing, "Customer is a King, and Customer is always right." Ya gue test aja.

Bener Si Naive....


Raysha said...

naive_spain CERDAS!! :D