Thursday, December 18, 2008

US$9.6 millions of Muslims' money goes to Israel every single DAY.


1. Total World Population: 6.5 billions

2. Total Muslims in The World: 2 billions

3. Total Smokers in The World: 1.15 billions

4. Total Muslim Smokers in The World: 400 millions

5. Largest Cigarette factory is Phillip Morris'

6. Phillip Morris donates 12% profits to Israel

7. Total Muslims' money to Morris US$800 millions DAILY

8. Average profit margin is

9. Average profit for Morris is US$80 millions DAILY

10. Thus, US$9.6 millions of Muslims' money goes to Israel every single DAY. Yes, D-A-Y..

Now, tell me brother/sister.. do you still want to suck that sh*t ??


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